"I had a dysfunctional childhood with death, incest and thirteen schools, was a revolting Essex University student in London and Paris 1968, had a Kalashnikov stuck in my face in Arabia in 1974, passed through Iran just before Khomeini, Afghanistan just before the Russians, got chased up a lamp post by the crowds in New Delhi on India's 40th anniversary of Independence, met Blair, Benn, Blunkett and Straw, shook hands with Chuck Berry, smoked dope with Howard Marks, drunk milk from the same cow as the Dalai Lama, visited twenty Danish Free schools, re-built a ruin up a Spanish mountain, drove to Sri Lanka, hitch-hiked to Ethiopia and . . . . "
Chapter Headings include:
Five years in the Victorian-style Royal Infant Orphanage Asylum was followed by life in the Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll and Revolution scene of Essex University in the late sixties.
Dropping out after visiting Paris for the May 68 events and a series of unjust dope busts, he was a briefly a youth worker in Peckham and Islington on radical youth projects. He then spent the next 25 years living honestly on the margins in the no tax, no pension zone.
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