Some women fancy pop stars,
Manilow or Elton John,
Some women long for he-men,
but it's poets turn me on!
Oh to be a nymph
with Herrick as my swain
Or Andrew Marvell's mistress,
giving in again and yet again.
I'd wander fells with Wordsworth,
take opium with STC
And if only Percy Shelley wrote
Eipsychidion for me!
I'd gladly be one compass foot,
if John Donne made the pair.
If he were mine no tears I'd shed,
the partings I could bear!
Now if Robert Lowell had just met me,
no Milltown he would take.
I'd even start to crow watch
for Ted Hughes' sake!
Most women long for Rambo,
or a rich man to set them free.
Some women yearn for athletes,
but it's poets, poets, for me!